Local Services in Subiaco, WA
Local Services
55A Salvado Rd,
Subiaco ,
Double glazing or glazed windows can help you reduce electrical bills, and increase the comfort and value of your home. You maybe aware that summer heat gain and winter heat loss into and from your home is mostly via your windows. With double glazing windows you are able to reduce heat gain/loss by between 60% to 80%. Before you buy your double glazing windows, you must be aware that not all double glazing are designed, manufactured and installed with the same quality control.
Cheaper double galzed window is cheaper for a reason! The material used and the design will be different. The cheaper windows may have what we call a thermal bridge, where the heat is able to transmit between the inner and outer glass. At first installed, the material may look and feel the same, but after several years under the harsh Australian climate, the cheaper window frames may discolour and worst warp.
In our design range, you have a choice of different style and colours. You do not need to compromise on the look and feel of your windows to make your home more energy efficient when you work with us. Call us today on (08) 707 808 07. Visit: doubleglazingperth. net
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